Visit to Vitzthum-Gymnasium

On June 28th, the OSU students visited the Vitzthum Gymnasium (the German equivalent of a high school) here in Dresden. They met with a group of 11th grade students (there are 12 grades at a gymnasium) and had a two hour exchange, both in English and German.
In the following posts, read what the OSU students as well as the German students write about the exchange in their respective foreign language:

Erin (Columbus):
Am Freitag sind wir im Vitzthum Gymnasium gegangen. Ich habe Spaß gehabt! Die Klasse hatte nur Mädchen, aber sie sind nett und freundlich gewesen. Wir haben mit den Mädchen in Englisch und Deutsch gesprochen. Sie haben uns interessante Fragen gefragt. Zum Beispiel haben sie mich über Waffenkontrolle gefragt. Ich habe ihnen gesagt: “Ich weiß nicht! Ich mag Waffen nicht!” Ich habe die Deutschen über PDA („Personal Display of Affection“) gefragt. Sie haben mir erzählt: “PDA ist normal in Deutschland!” Zuletzt haben wir ein Spiel gespielt. Ich hatte viel Spaß gehabt! Die Deutschen sind toll! Ich hoffe sie wieder zu sehen!

Evelin (Dresden):
Last week students from the Ohio State University were in our school. At first it was a bit tense, but after some time the situation was relaxed. It was very interesting to meet some students from the USA and to find out a litte bit about their person. After we had talked about our hometown, we made something like a „Speed-Dating“. We spoke alternately in German and English about different questions. The students were very friendly and I enjoyed to spend our English lesson with them. I wish we could do this again. Our class looked at your Blog. It's nice that you've experienced this day as well as I do. Anyway I am glad that you apparently have only good impressions from Dresden.
I really hope that you will never, or not so fast, forget this time here. Maybe you liked it that much, that you will visit Dresden again. All in all it was very, very nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy the time in Dresden and you still have a lot of fun here.

Anne (Dresden):
At first I want to say 'thank you' for the interesting lesson last Friday. I liked it so much to talk to you and I think it was useful to learn something about your state Ohio. In my opinion it is a good idea, to post your experiences in a blog. It was interesting to read it and sometimes it made me smile, because it’s sweet how you write about Germany. Please don`t stop writing on your blog, because I want to follow it in the next weeks.

Matt (Columbus):
Am Freitag 28. Juni besuchten wir das Vitzthum-Gymnasium in Dresden. Wir besuchtem eine elften Klasse Englisch Kurs. Zuerst hatten wir ein Gruppengespräch über Dresden und Columbus. Dann hatten wir ein Gespräch in Deutsch über Weltreisen. Ich denke, mein Deutsch war gut. Dann hatten wir ein Gespräch auf Englisch. Eine Studentin hatte meine Meinung über Angela Merkel gefragt. Ich habe gesagt, Merkel ist gut für Deutschland und Europa. Zuletzt hatten wir eine Gruppenaktivität über unsere Hobbys. Die Studenten waren freundlich und es war eine gute Erfahrung für mich.


Nicole (Dresden):
On the 28th of June we were visited by students from Ohio in our English lesson. It was really nice to talk to native English speaker! They were really friendly and open minded. I really enjoyed it to have them in our lesson. It was really interesting and I had a lot of fun! We talked about citys, we would recomend to them here in Germany and they told us about cities in the USA. It was really surprising to get to know the completely different views of big cities like LA, Miami, New York etc, because here in Germany we have a lot of prejudices against the USA. My impression was that they were really interested in our country and in our culture. I would like to meet them again!

Vanessa (Dresden):
When our teacher told us that students from Ohio come in our class, I was really excited. But after a short time of speaking, it was a lot of fun and I forgot my nervousness. I really enjoyed to met new people and listened to your English. It was so interesting to find out about your lifes and your hometown and I look forward to visit America, especially Ohio soon. I also read your comments on this homepage. I really enjoy it to see the very good German from you and that you have so much fun in our city! I want thank you so much for this great two lessons and I hope maybe we all see each other soon again.

Lindsay (Columbus):
Am Freitag haben wir das Vitzthum-Gymnasium besucht. Wir haben mit den Studenten gesprochen. Sie waren sehr interessant und hatten viel Spaβ. Ich hatte auch viel Spaβ! Wir haben Spiele mit den Studenten gespielt. Wir haben über Sport, Obama, Deutschland, Amerika, Haare, Ohio State, und mehr gesprochen. Ich habe Englisch und Deutsch gesprochen. Die Schule war sehr schön und modern. Sie war sehr hell mit viele Fenster und Farben. Ich würde es gern wieder machen!

Melissa (Dresden):
On the 28th of June nine students from Ohio visited our school and joined our English lesson. I didn`t expect that we would have so much fun together, because we were strangers from different continents with different cultures and lifestyles. But the students were really open minded and friendly. After we had talked a bit about our hometown, our German students had the possibility to ask questions about Ohio or generally America. On the other side, the American students asked us about our life in Germany. All in all it was a good experience and very interesting. I hope we will have more personal contact with people from America or other English speaking countries, because talking to them is the best way to learn English.

Daniel (Columbus):
Am Freitag besuchten wir eine Deutsche „High School“, genannt ein Gymnasium. Die Klasse war das Äquivalent der 11. Klasse und ihr Englisch war sehr gut. Sie haben uns gefragt Fragen über Amerika. Ein Mädchen war halb spanisch wie ich und sie ist in Deutschland aufgewachsen, welches ich Interessantes gefunden habe. Wir spielten dann ein Spiel über Interessen und Hobbys, welches angenehm war. Ich hoffe, eines Tages deutsch so gut zu kennen wie sie Englisch kennen.

Johanna (Dresden):
Hey guys, thanks for coming here! It was very nice to meet you. All of you were great and friendly. I really enjoyed our meeting and that we talked together. It was very interesting to hear something about the USA from a real American. When I`m ready with school I want to take a year abroad in the USA, and maybe I`m going to take a look of Columbus, Ohio. But in the USA there are so many awesome places I want to see! And when I read your blog on the internet i was very surprised that everyone love Dresden. I never thought that Dresden is an interesting city for exchange students. But now I know more that that i life in a great city and that I really appreciate it.

Fabienne (Dresden):
Last Friday we were visited by American exchange students. They were so friendly and open minded. We have asked a lot of questions, and all of them were answered. We spoked English and also German. The German of Americans was very good and they spoke fluently. I had a lot of fun! I think, that this summer program is a good thing to make some new experiences and to learn more about culture and language. I would also be willing to take part in such a program, it interests me very much! It was good to meet them to speak and clear up prejudices and uncertainty.

Alex (Columbus): An Freitag sind wir zu einem Gymnasium gegangen. Wir haben eine Klasse 11 besucht. Die Klasse war alle Mädchen. Zuerst haben wir über Columbus und Dresden gesprochen. Dann haben wir in ein Kreis gesessen und wir haben uns kennengelernt. Wir sprachen beide Deutsch und Englisch. Die Mädchen sprachen Englisch sehr gut, aber unser Deutsch war ein bisschen begrenzt. Die Erfahrung war insgesamt interessant und angenehm. Die Mädchen waren sehr freundlich und hilfreich. Ich würde wieder gehen!

Mandy (Dresden):
Before we met each other, I was a little bit nervous, because of speaking English all the time. Nevertheless I was so excited and I always like to meet new people, especially from another country. The fact, that you also learn our language, supported me to speak English and in the end, I talked more than the student, who sat directly opposite me ;) We had so much fun together and I think that’s what you want to reach. It was a great pleasure to hear, that you like Dresden very much and I wished we had more time, but maybe will have another chance to meet you.


Julia (Dresden):
I want to say that I really enjoyed the (maybe short) time you were here! Now, we have english lesson and we read your blog from the internet. It is really nice to see that all of you enjoy the time in Dresden! I like your posts on the internet because it is interesting for me to get to know your experiences. I love the fact that you want to learn German by talking with others. I think this is the best way to learn it.
I have also another tip where you can go to in Dresden: The City Beach or the Puro Beach. Maybe you are interested in playing volleyball then you should go to City Beach! There you have a lot of fields with sand, next to the Elbe. In the Puro Beach you can relax, have some drinks or swim in the pool. Sometimes at Puro Beach, you have a party, e.g. EXZESSIVA. But these are mostly on the weekend. I think these places are the best place for summer or hanging around with friends. How you can go there? Drive by tram 4 or 9 to the stop “Alter Schlachthof” Then you need to walk a bit until you’re there. I look forward to meet you again or just to read your posts.

Kevin (Columbus):
Wir ist an Freitag zu dem Vitzthum Gymnasium gegangen. Meine High School in Amerika hatte keine Mädchen, deshalb überrascht es mir, keine Jungen zu sehen. Aber die Leute waren sehr freundlich! Unsere Lehrerin Maria spielte mit uns ein Spiel, das har ein guter „Eisbrecher“. Wir haben über viele Sachen gesprochen. Sie haben Frage über Amerika gefragt und wir haben Frage über Deutschland gefragt. Am Schluss sagen alle “Es war interessant”.

Lisa (Dresden):
On the 26th of June some students from the Ohio State University visited our English lessons.
It was great to get to know new people. Especially students from the USA. This lesson was really fun and it was a good alternative to our normal lessons. We could talk a lot about each others country and their opinion about their country and rules there. It was really interesting to learn more about the USA and their normal students life. The students were really open minded and friendly. Also they were very interested in Germany. We talked about what they have already experienced here in Germany. I've only heard about positive experiences and therefore I'm really glad. All in all it was really fun and it would be great if we can do this more often.


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